Respect The Girls In The Sky
Released from jail! I'm free for 1 week to celebrate Chinese New Year, yeay! But it would be a really quiet CNY, as i would be the only sibling at home celebrating with my parents. Hmmm, think of the bright side, i can take AngPao on behalf of them! Yeay! *grins :P
Stumbled upon a colleague's blog few minutes back. Her name is Cindy, she's a Flight Stewardess for Malaysia Airlines. There's this particular post of hers that attracted my attention, and i think it's worth sharing with you guys. It's about harassment. (Cindy, i hope it's fine with u to let me copy paste this)
Here's the original post that she wrote:
jUz cAme bAck fr0m mY tAipEi tRip...sUmthiN hAppEnEd 0n mY kK-kUL flIght 0n 16th...
a f00tbAll tEAm wAs 0n b0Ard.thEy weRe tRavElliN 0n bEhAlf 0f thEir c0mpAny (a bIg c0mpAny iN m'Sia..."T * *").m0st 0f tHem r 20 0ver yRs 0ld.dUriN tHe mEal sErvIce thEy chImed n0n-st0p.whEn i cR0ssEd bY...0ne by 0ne..thEy sAid : i wAnt pEaNuts...i wAn biScUits...swEets...pEpsI...7up...miLo aIS ...... N suddEnly...0ne 0f thEm saId : I WANT U !!
m i lo0ked liKe a weAk gIrL tAt wiLL nVr fiGht bAck?? i thInk tHey 'th0ugHt' tAt i M tAt tyPe 0f giRl...bUt s0rry t0 sAy...i M n0t!
s0.......vEry l0ud N cLEar...i wAs liKe tAlkiN witH a mEgAph0ne u kn0w...i sAid : SIR !! TAT IS A HARASSMENT U KNOW? IS A VERBAL HARASSMENT!!D0 U WAN ME TO MAKE A REPORT?OR ELSE PLZ BEHAVE URSELF!
pAssEngErs wh0 sittIN ar0und heArd tAt.aVb0dy loOked aT tAt fEllow.hE wAs sh0ckEd...n c0uldnt rEsp0nd.tHe gUy sittIng bEsidE hIm ap0l0gIze f0r hIm.
My leAdiNg heArd tAt...cZ shE wAs aT tHe bAck.sHe sAid n0 nEed t0 cAll hIm SIR aNym0re.thEy giLa-giLa aLd.
thIs iS my 1sT tiMe tAt sc0ld paSseNger 0n b0ard...actUally...feEl good.ahahhaa...cZ kEna bUlly mA ....mUZ fIght bAck k gIrls!!tIS iS hArAssmEnt leH!!
Such a shame! Can't believe that there are such poeple from Malaysia, I think u should know who they are rite? "T * *" Now i understand the meaning of '3rd world mentality'. It suits them well - F***tards!
Respect yourself bastards! U can't even respect yourself, and u r thinking of playing a fool on the flight? u must be kidding me. I guess u do not know what stewardesses and pilots can do to u ya? Let's just hope that the pilot doesn't do an emergency landing just for u, where lots of ppl will be waiting to greet u at the airport. (If u get what i mean?)
Cindy, u did a great job! I'm sure all of us here (me and my blogger friends) are behind u, giving u full support. Teach these ppl a lesson, they deserve it! Best wishes from all of us Malaysians and keep up that smile of yours that we crave for! LoL!
p/s: I hope the Flight Stewardesses do not bring canes into the flight in future. I'd cry!
Happy Chinese New Year from me and Malaysia Airlines! :)