::[ kampungkai ]::

Sunday, November 19

Guaranteed Laughter

Working can be boring when you do the same thing repeatedly, do u agree with me? Nothing could be better than having a break during lunch time, checking out the girls around the cafeteria while satisfying your growling tummy.

But then again, repeatedly seeing the same old people eating in the same old environment can be dead boring. Dead boring till u can memorize what certain people will eat through your weeks of continuous observation.

Thanx to the drink sellers near the entrance of the cafeteria, they spiced up one of my boring days by giving me a pretty good laugh! A medicine that cures everything! LoL!

So, here's what happened. Just a simple piece of paper with a word or two did the job. As i was ordering my drinks, i saw...


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Caret Susu

kekekkekek! believe me, i tried very hard to pronounce it! damn!

Of course, I started by pronouncing it in the B.M version of CA-RET-SU-SU. Then, came the kampungkai version of CAR-ET-SUS-U. hahhaha E.T's car sues u! meaningless! duh!

Instead of carrot susu, let's just name this drink in a more Malaysian way ok? we shall call it LOBAK MILK! whahahhahhaa ewwww, gross man!

Anyway, since it caught my attention, i continued searching for typo errors among the other drink containers.


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Asam Boy

Ladies, put your hands up if u wanna be the next ASAM GIRL! quick, i wanna see how many! basket... let go off your finger from the scroll button and raise your hand will u? hahhahah! was just joking girls, chill ya? ;)

So, what's the proper spelling for this drink? tell me tell me! I shall personally name it ASAM BOY BOY! sounds cute and funny!

Sunday, November 12

Le Tour De Kajang

Having changed a brand new set of front and back all-terrain tyres 2 weeks ago, I only got the chance to try out the comfy ride on my old-metal-horse (bicycle) yesterday.

Full with enthusiasm, and thinking that the RM76 tyres would contribute to a great ride, i woke up surprisingly early at 0730 on a Saturday morning. Why? cos i wanted to go cycling before the sun becomes scorching hot!

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Dressed in sports attire, clipped the water tumbler onto the bike, i decided to bring along my IC and RM10. Just in case, u know *shrugs

The auto-gate closed as I rolled out of the car porch. Tuning into the intermediate gear for an easy and slow start, I planned the route to be taken. It's gonna be a long and tiring ride, i thought, but heck, it's better than keeping those calories on the bed! So, burn them!

1st turning out from my housing estate on to the main road, and i saw another cyclist some 50m ahead of me. An Indon worker riding on an old bike, u'll know it's old when u see it.

May the journey begin! 'Tuck! Tuck! Tuck!' I changed my gears into highest gear and sped up, intending to overtake the cyclist in front and zoom pass him like a superbike overtaking a '90cc honda kap-zhai'.

Unfortunately, sadly, dissapointingly, angrily, frustratedly.... bout 5m before i could even reach him..... 'CHIBABOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.....TING TING TING TING TING!' My wheels felt as though it wasnt round! it was square!

I jammed on the brakes after 5 times of TING TING TING TING TING. Got on my feet and turn my back to look at my rear wheel. It was a kcufing nail! ARGH!!!

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The nail that punctured my tyre.

My brain's CPU usage was at 100%, thinking alot of things like: wth! got so suey meh! it's a brand new tyre! and it's not cheap! it's only 150m from home man! what to do next? push back to home? or bicycle shop? did i bring money to tampal/change tube? luckily brought RM10. but it's only 740am! sial....

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New tyres.... but FLAT!

I pulled out the nail, and i was really shocked! This is the 1st time in my life seeing such a big nail puncturing my tyre. On previous ocassions, it was either a tumb-tack or a small nail. But this! it was kcufing 2 inch long man!

I'm sure the 5 rounds of TINGS scratched the inner part of my rims and decreased the durability of my tyre. It's just my luck. Sigh...

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My Beautiful Map

Look, just look at my beautiful map, the route i planned to cycle through. It passes Kajang Hospital, Tasik Kenyir, KLCC, KLIA, and Teluk Intan before heading home. Cool huh? But the red line was the only distance i covered. What to do, Itik menyudu.

A friend of mine suggested: I think u should go temple and bai-bai (pray), last week aircraft emergency landing problem, now bicycle puncture, quite suey lo.

hahaha! should i be supersticiuos? Let's just hope for better days to come.

p/s: Was just wondering. Did the Indon worker knew i was gonna overtake him, and then he threw the nail on to the road? hahahah!
i'm so bad!

Friday, November 10

CLEO 11th Anniversary at Zouk

What can be happier than getting freebies! wahhahahhaha i'm so happy for getting lots of presents since last week till today!

Last Friday was CLEO magazine's 11th anniversary. A very kind and pretty bachelorette friend of mine (Ying Mei), knowing that i'm a bachelor, dragged me along to 'cuci-mata', saying that lots of hot girls would storm the venue.

Words were true. However, I felt intimidated! Being the minority of 10% males, and holding a PINK COLOR invitation card, there were plenty of white blinking things staring at us (the minority) as the sky turned dark.

I spent RM5.60 on CLEO magz, for the sake of getting the invitation card glued to the cover page. Which, i then gave it to my mum as a bed-time story book. RM5.60 for a night of beauties? Well worth.

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The CLEO Goodie Bag

The moment i got hold of the bag, i thought i was back in the gym, getting a 22 lbs dumbell from the rack to my workout bench. It was freaking heavy for i did not expect it to be sucha baby elephant.

It was filled with 6 cans of 325ml aluminum tins, and two boxes of 1L juice! All packed into a paperbag which usually weighs less than 100grms when u go shopping with a girl. Correct me if i'm wrong :P

So what was in the bag?

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EVERSOFT products

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EUBOS products

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YEO's products

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LACOSTE perfume - inspiration

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ELLE RM30 Gift Voucher

and of course...

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CLEO's own pretty paper bag.

Even Hitz.fm's Ford Ranger cruizers came to spice up the event, and i got two

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FREE hitz.tv 3rd birthday bash at surf pool tickets

which... i didnt go hahahhahhaha! wasted!

Anyhow, the goodie bag was lifeless; but the group of friends i was with were CRAZILY ALIVE!

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The Wacko Group

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Me - with the biggest head,making everyone else not attractive

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The Bond Girls - Ying Mei(purple) & Jennifer

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Casino Royale 008

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Filmed in Zouk, Kuala Lumpur.

It was a great night, i wished we had more time :) Being the youngest among all, please forgive me for being childish!

Some 7 days later, it was the guys' magz's turn. Me, being the loyal reader of Men's Health, went and collect my free Goodie Bag from Highstreet, 1 utama.

wahhahahhahha! (laughing evilly) 2 goodie bags in 7 days! how fun that is!

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BLUINC Bumper Rewards 06

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er... JOJOBA OIL? what's that...

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What!? I don't need this! Mine are SQUARE, not round!

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That's better... - evil -

ok ok.. enough of jealousy! here's what are up for grab! i dun need them!

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Make ur bookings!

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Just grab whatever u want!

9M-MRI in Stockholm

The tension has loosen up.

No one was hurt, no one was put to jail, nothing went wrong.

It seems it was the manufacturer's problem, whereby the same thing happened before.

What happened was something from the thrust-reverser flew off. Wasnt a critical part, therefore it was alright.

Hopefully the manufacturer will do something about it asap, so that such incident would not happen again.

Damage has been done, and MAS' reputation has a scar. Yet, we Malaysians should show support by promoting 'Visit Malaysia Year 2007' and begin our visitors' comfy-journey with Malaysia

Sunday, November 5

Worried...Very Worried

Click on this article before u continue reading...

How shold i express my feelings now. Worried? Afraid? i dunno.. it's weird.

This is what happened...
During Raya week, i was the one of the apprentice assisting on the engines of a Boeing 777-200, under the supervision of a LAE (Licensed Aircraft Engineer).

And from the article shown, it matches what we did when the B772 was in the hangar for heavy maintenance. It passed with flying colors on last sunday's (29th Oct 06) EGR - Engine Ground Run and test flight and was back to full service the very next day (Monday).

Now, i'm keeping my fingers crossed. MAS has 17 Boeing 777-200s, and i'm not sure which 1 of the 17 is involved in the emergency landing. The one we were working on came with the registeration number of 9M-MRI.

It shouldnt be MRI, because MRI just went through heavy maintenance a week ago. The whole plane was overhauled to its tip-top condition, as if it was brand new. Parts were replaced according to flying hours even though still useable, methods of servicing were followed strictly according to manuals. There wasnt a word called COMPROMISE in our dictionary.

Sometimes, mishaps happen. Even though perfectly done by human, mother nature could cause problems to it. Who knows, a metal piece from a bird's beak fell off and got ingested into the engine? or... who knows whether the metal pieces were from another plane. U never know.

As of now, let's just wait for the investigation report from Sweden's aviation authorities.

Oh My God, it really is 9M-MRI. I just found out after getting this pic from http://www.airliners.net/
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Notice the metal pieces flying off around the white smoke.

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9M-MRI (cn 28416/155) About 10 seconds after liftoff from runway 19R something happens with the left engine. Alot of smoke and fragments of metal and other material falls down on the runway. At first the pilots don't get any indications in the cocpkit and plan to go on to Kuala Lumpur. Then we decide to call Arlanda duty offocer to make sure that they have noticed the pieces from the engine on the runway. Shortly after that the pilots requests fueldump and return to ARN safely. [Nikon D70, Nikkor 80-200 f2.8]

p/s: Whoever thought our job was fun. Think thrice!