Susu U.H.T Berperisa Coklat
Being a fresh milk lover, i can finish a 1L box of HL milk all by myself in 1 day. I just love it so much since i was young. Back then when dad was still working with MARDI, i used to drink the freshest milk, fresh from the cow/goat itself. Luv it! Hey, wait a minute, i dun mean i put my mouth on the gigantic large huge nipples of the cow and start sucking ok?! :P
Just seive the fresh milk into a pot and boil it till... i can't remember. A layer of fat is then formed on the surface after boiled. Heard that's how manufacturers produce butter. Oooohhh, the creamy milk taste so good, it still smells like the cow hahahha!
Just seive the fresh milk into a pot and boil it till... i can't remember. A layer of fat is then formed on the surface after boiled. Heard that's how manufacturers produce butter. Oooohhh, the creamy milk taste so good, it still smells like the cow hahahha!
Today, was kinda dissapointed to open the fridge and not see any HL milk box. Stock finish. Being unsatisfied, i knelt down in front of the fridge and started foraging through all the bayam, carrot, kangkung, cabbage, and last night's food. Once i pushed the bundle of bayam wrapped in old newspapers aside, to my surprise, i saw this!
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Jo Cerdik!
A big smile was on my face the next moment when i pulled it out from the deep fridge. I've got a box of chocolate flavoured milk! yeay! U might be wondering how come u have never seen this packaging in supermarkets. It's not any ordinary milk than one can buy even if he's rich hahaha!
The picture says it all - a school kid holding a box of milk. It's from the Program Susu Sekolah of Malaysia! Only available in Malaysian schools. Now, it has a new vibrant & healthy outlook compared to the previous outlook which was slightly dull.
Remember the previous outlook? it was dark brown in color. I remember back then in primary school, the 'ketua kelas' would take down our orders by writing how many boxes beside our name in the name list. I, would definitely put '1' everytime. 1 doesn't mean 1 box, but...... 1 BIG box with 24 boxes in it LoL!
At the end of the last class, i would be the most 'lansi' fella in school. Holding 1 big carton of milk, while other kids were only having 1 on each hand :P But come to think of it, it was quite stupid. It's just milk, why was i so proud.
The funny thing is that when i reach home, there'll be another carton or two of the same exact milk. My mum is a teacher! she gets to buy the milk too! Dun ask why, but i dunno why i still wanted to buy when mum can buy it. stupid? *smack me pls
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Strong bones & teeth
Look at how much the outlook has changed through the years. Now the straw is blue in color and bendable at two corners, makes it look like something to drink by the pool side. It also spreads the info of drinking milk builds stronger bones and teeth, especially during growing age. (it's so very true) With the kid's thumb showing GOOD, it just looks correct!
sighh... i feel young again, slouching on the sofa watching spongebob while having the straw stuck in the mouth. Ocassionaly spilling onto my shirt, urgh! nvm.. there's always the sleeves to wipe clean my mouth wahahahah! :P!!! Dun u just miss those days!?
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The Logo that has not change through the years
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Rukun Negara.
Oh, this is great! at least now i know the other 4 sentences of rukun negara. All this while, i've only known the 1st - Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan haha! Now all of you, obediently memorise this alright?! i'm gonna test u tomorrow. If u can't write all 5, i'm gonna cane u as punishment! If u get all 5 right, then i will give u a box of milk. Deal? hahahahhah! LoL! :P
hui yo...!! milk wonder u get this size of body!!!
wahhaa..i hate milk since primary mumy can save money for this prgram.... haha..y?? cos 1 morning after i drink the milk, i vomit out atthe start that..i dunlike milk...
Milly, at April 13, 2006 10:34 PM
I'm a milk person too.
I drink milk every morning (yeah).. Coffee is not my cup of tea ;)
The Projek Susu Sekolah..
My... That was ages ago already..
in the mid 80's :)
The Projek Susu sekolah was first launched when I was in Standard 6 ;)
Chen, at April 13, 2006 11:17 PM
I was actually thinking of that before you say, "Hey, wait a minute, i dun mean i put my mouth on the gigantic large huge nipples of the cow and start sucking ok?! :P"
Can't help.
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 12:43 AM
i sent a comment and it went error after me hitting the publish the comment button.. arghhhhhhh
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 2:12 AM
We usually boil our semi-skimmed milk with our tea-bag(s) in our milk- feels so good. milk is good for cereal too but think choco is for kids wei x
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 5:05 AM
Hahha! was wondering why u wanted to know how to spell seive. haha! :) make sense now..
Those were the days when we had choc milk in school la. n VITAGEN too!! heeheh! Very happy when mum say can buy. Tee hee!!!
Never got to drink choc milk like in those packagin. now, we drink.. CHOC SHAKE... way better than choc milk ooo! fabulous.. hehhe!
BbHippo, at April 14, 2006 8:06 AM
I love drinking milk when it's cold. The milk from the progam susu sekolah last time (yeah I kinda remember that it was brown in colour - the packaging) sometimes arrived not-so-cold anymore.
And I have really sensitive tummy. Empty stomach, kasi gulp down one glass of fresh milk, the probability of me entering the toilet within the next 2 hours is high :p
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 8:52 AM
I thought fresh milk lovers like it straight from the source when it's freshest? :P
KY, at April 14, 2006 10:48 AM
hai cheh... thought can buy for my belles tim.
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 11:10 AM
i love milk when i was small, bt since i saw a malay girl PUKE after drinking the packet milk tht she ordered from the school, it reminds me the fluid tht she puked!!! & now im a COFFEE lover, whithout coffee... i'll die
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 1:02 PM
wah..u really remind me of my school day..jus few yrs back. I like vitagen van more than milk van..coz vitagen bottle smaller..can drink inside class wen teacher din look at me :P
YBrat, at April 14, 2006 2:58 PM
yucks...i never like milk but i produce the freshest and healthiest milk on earth! hehehe.
Anonymous, at April 14, 2006 4:33 PM
Jason: c'mon, share with us your childhood memories, i bet it's worth a laugh? 'Susu Cap Gantung'... i didn't know such brand existed till u told me that it's available everywhere in the world! LoL...
Potential Mom: aiks, lactose intolerent girl, poor u. No wonder u r so much smaller in size than me, cos u never drink milk! hahaha :P u vomitted in school? so kelian :(
Chen: high 5! milk lovers! aiseh, u only got to drink for 1 year (standard 6); i'm still drinking the same product at 22! wahahhaahha! wanna share?
Sleeping Princess: u've been eaten by Barney for so long! where have u been!? well well, let's just hope u dun grow cow's breast alright? be careful when u see me! LoL! :P
sleepingpillgirl;): eh, manage to sleep? dun take pills ler, go run the stadium 5 rounds and u'll sleep soundly tonite. how come comment went error, poor u. nvm, thanx for dropping a word :)
amy x: wahhh, this sounds and taste great! teh panas - home made version. WHICH u must be missing lots, especially at such cold weather now. aw, hugs! choco is still for big kids like me, at least i'm better than those who drink strawberry flavoured milk! :P
siah: vitagen expensive wey! 70 cents 1 bottle. pour twice into the mouth and it's gone, too fast! chewah, now high class d huh? choc shake. me still village boy, drink original fresh cow milk. (not from the cow nipples alright!)
Anonymous: yea yea, sometimes if i drink too much with an empty tummy, i go straight to the toilet too. But it's good wat, clear your intestine! feel lighter after that. Come to think of it, i prefer to wait for free drinks from MILO, OVALTINE, and VICO! hahahha!
KY: ooo.. now what milk are u referring to? *cough... high 5!:P
maria @ twinsmom: hehehe, few more years and they will be asking for extra pocket money to buy them! i miss those days!
Anonymous: ewwwwwwwwww... brownish liquid + half solid! coffee(black) + milk(white) = ooommppppphhhh! haha! now i know how to threaten u! coffee!
Young Brat: vitagen is too lil! pretty expensive too(70cents). i prefer the free drinks from MILO OVALTINE & VICO! yummy!
miche: *cough! producer of freshest milk hates milk, ironic! all the best milk producers, u make the world a much better place to live in! make me strong make me tough!
Kampungkai, at April 14, 2006 6:07 PM
At first I was like huh! What's this grown man doing with a school kid's chocolate milk. Then your mom came into the picture. School teacher, no wonder la...I bet you asked mom to buy them now..
Yeah, I remember drinking them when I was in primary school, only one pack for everybody, everyday. And I also remember it used to be a seasonal thing.
gus, at April 14, 2006 7:21 PM
dude.. i totally agree with u... i luv milk.. especially cold milk with coco crunch.. anyway, back when i was a kid, i will wake up early in the morning and wait for the milk man to deliver a bottle of fresh milk to my house and i will go take it and start drinking like mad cow... hahaha and speaking of that Jo cerdik.. just bring a good memory back then.. man i sound old.. wakakakaka...
Anonymous, at April 16, 2006 12:52 AM
Hahaha! this indeed brought back some nice memories...
I can remember I used to hold a handful of 4 packets of chocolate milks in both my hands (can't afford a full carton, though) and rushed home to slowly enjoy them.
Funny thing is, as i grew up, my stomach became lactose intolerent and chocolate also not my favorite food any more.
I will end up lao sai if the milk is too 'fresh'.... heehee...
laymank, at April 16, 2006 12:10 PM
Last time I used to drink milk everyday now I don't... Milk is not that good as we thought...
こうゆうけん, at April 16, 2006 6:46 PM
wanna share your delicious chocolate milk with me ah? I want !!! hahaha... TQ TQ :)
Chen, at April 16, 2006 8:31 PM
Aiyah.. I still remember I bought in cartons as well.. but in the end, once, all of us ended up LAU SAI after drinking them.. so we have stopped buying completely!
Gina, at April 17, 2006 9:35 AM
You so big boy already, yet your mum still buy this milk for u hah? so hoh miang!!
Jess, at April 17, 2006 12:23 PM
agus: yea yea, it was seasonal! how come your school limit it to 1 for 1 student only? so kelian wan!?
Keith: man.. what can be better than coco crunch + cold milk, it's lovely! heaven! sigh, i feel old too... sighhhhhhhhh!*shakes head
laymank: haha those were the days huh? what happened to u till cannot take milk anymore? aisehhhh... what did doctor say?
xxxxxxx?: milk is no good? why ar why ar? got lots of bacteria?
Gina: eh yea yea, sometimes the milk no good wan, make ppl tummy ache! so bad ya no quality control!
Jesslyn: hahahhah *shy... mum loves me loads, what to do? :P
Kampungkai, at April 17, 2006 12:43 PM
i miss tat milk :( same taste as before?
feNn, at April 18, 2006 8:44 PM
i remember that too ..
back then it was very cheap...
at 1st launch.. ithink below 50sen... now i don't what the price
pisang goreng 115,NF, at April 22, 2006 3:11 AM
i want to add 1 more thing '
where chocolate milk come from?
... if milk came from cow
then it must be from chocolate cow... muah ha ha ha ha
pisang goreng 115,NF, at April 22, 2006 3:19 AM
Hi Kampungkai,
Wonderful and heartwarming article, sir. Sure brings back lots of memories :)
Anyhow, I'm Irwan, lifestyle editor of The Malay Mail. I'd very much like to publish the picture of Jo Cerdik in our special article about milk tomorrow, if you'd permit. We will credit your blog accordingly. Please email me at if you're ok with this.
Irwan Abdul Rahman
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